The Universal Gravity pump may also be referred to as MAPs (Mass Acceleration Pumping system)
MAPS, was first designed and built by myself in the mid 1980’s; It is, as the name suggests a pump. It is a very complex pump as the pump relies on a vacuum, a compressive state and an acceleration force (of a) mass greater than the generated vacuum.
To clarify the above statement, a simple calculation can be performed: If the vacuum = to 2 meters, and the mass acceleration = 20 meters, then 20/2 = 10. Understanding that the 10 units are in several parts, those being the vacuum, the counter vacuum and the mass acceleration. If the vacuum is 1 then the counter vacuum must also be 1 resulting is a residual value of 8 units for the mass acceleration.
The transport medium is water, and when the water is expelled or released via the mass acceleration process, it is automatically recycled into the vacuum on a one out, one in basis (1:1) or NO WASTE. Furthermore, as there is no waste whatsoever, it means that the MAPS will pump water for an infinite amount of time; it will never run out of water at 1:1!
At the leading edge or “head” of the vacuum, cavitation occurs, and where there is cavitation there is heat, and where there is heat there is energy. The heat can be extracted via a 10,000 BTU heat ex-changer surrounding the cavitation point. The amount of heat that can be extracted is equal to 90 degrees centigrade, (more than adequate for Hydroponic use). As with any heat source, a cooling system can also be produced creating refrigerated conditions as low as minus 30 degrees centigrade for VISBP.
Where there is a flow (1:1), there is motion; In the case of the mass acceleration pump the flow, force, or motion exists within the exit pipe. To now place a small turbine into the flow creates a rotary motion, and from that rotary motion electricity is generated. The amount of power in Kw’s is commensurate to the build and construction, where a device built at 16mm diameter will produce in the region of 1.5 to 2.0Kw every hour, 24 hours a day (on a 1:1 basis, (forever)).
The MAP system identifies errors within the governing laws of thermodynamics of a closed loop system. To simplify to its maximum, Thermodynamics can be expressed as “You cannot have something for free, nor can you get more out than you put in”. If the MAP system is a 1:1 system (or same in as out) and there is force, motion and heat! Then the force, motion and heat are greater than 1:1, Furthermore, the NEW energy comes from a vacuum, and when applying E=mc2 (the governing law of all power) which is any value greater than zero increasing from zero, and the MAP system works below zero, suggests that E=mc2 is fundamentally incorrect as proven that there is a greater energy source closer to zero than any other condition.
The secondary condition of MAPs and the energy stored from the mass acceleration itself. Expressed above is a mass acceleration of 8:1 product output (or) as written a 2m high device has 8 times the lift or 16m; This is not the limit [!], to construct at 10m results in a lift of 80m (vertical lift); But, within the “zero” effect of the horizontal plain, an infinite distance can be achieved. Therefore, to define an example of a medium size “obstacle” at 1000m (vertical) results in 1000/80 = 13 [MAPs Units] would be required to move or lift the water over the obstacle. On the downward side of the obstacle 9.81m/s^2 has to be applied to the water, which in turn creates a greater mass acceleration [and the process continues]. The result is that seawater to fresh water can be moved inland to any distance and over any height obstacle.
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